
WOSB (Woman Owned Small Business)

  • This program is for qualifying women-owned small businesses. The federal government’s goal is to set aside 5% of all federal contracting dollars for this program. In order to be eligible, a business must:
    • Be a small business according to SBA size standards
    • Be at least 51% owned and controlled by women who are U.S. citizens
    • Have women manage day-to-day operations who also make long-term decisions
  • To qualify as an EDWOSB within the program, a business must:
    • Meet all the requirements of the WOSB Federal Contract program
    • Be owned and controlled by one or more women, each with a personal net worth less than $850,000
    • Be owned and controlled by one or more women, each with $450,000 or less in adjusted gross income averaged over the previous three years
    • Be owned and controlled by one or more women, each $6.5 million or less in personal assets

For questions on your eligibility or to discuss certification requirements and steps, contact us.