
A strong foundation

From the time our founders met, there was an intellectual drive and shared curiosity which left the formation of Thunderbird Advisors Group as a formality. It was never a matter of if, but rather when and what.  Over the past decade, those minor details have worked themselves out as each of them took different paths to arrive at a spot where they collectively can offer solutions and a platform capable of generating real-world value, and positive change.

At Lumpini Stadium, Bangkok, Thailand

Brad and Brian meet in Phoenix

During the economic downturn of the late aughts, they meet while employed in a call center–each considered “over-qualified,” they did what was necessary to take care of their families.


Grad school calls

While exploring business school opportunities, Brad was set on the prestigious Thunderbird School of Global Management, while Brian trended towards an MBA from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. Coincidentally, a dual degree program was available combining each degree.



Unbeknownst to each, they both applied to the program in the same evening, while they were accepted an agonizing 3 weeks apart.  The program would become pivotal in their development but also their relationship.


Jungle Perspective

During a Regional Business Environment in Beijing, the partners extended and spent two weeks traveling Southern China, Cambodia, and Thailand.  The perspective this experience offered on life helped define what it means to “do good” for them, and subsequently their future endeavors.


An Oath Taken

28 months after starting, they graduate with Masters in Global Management from Thunderbird School of Global Management and an MBA from the Kelley School of Business. Their real-world experiences are now supported by the academic training to match.


A Bold Choice

After more than a decade of working in general aviation, Brad accepted a position in the federal contracting arena opening up the doors to a new unexplored market, one with a tremendous need for small business solutions to support the government’s mission.  He spends nearly 7 years supporting the growth of several small businesses while building a business development team and system and learning the compliance and regulation side.


Big Business Opportunties

During the same timeframe, Brian joins and oversees the transformation of some of the largest teams and process improvement implementations at some of the largest companies in the world.  These insights offer a very unique perspective on scalable and unique solutions for small businesses.


The Time is Now

Citing an overwhelming industry need for the knowledge and capacity to bridge the gap between the government’s mission and the small business base’s ability to provide solutions, Thunderbird Advisors Group was formally launched in early May, 2023.